As anyone will appreciate who has a loved one or relative with Lewy Bodies Dementia and is looking for a Care Home for Dementia in the West Midlands, it is of paramount importance to make the right choice for the right reasons.
Naturally, this is a trying time for all concerned, especially as the symptoms of dementia appear to be becoming more pronounced.
It is important for the sufferer to continue as much as possible with their lives whist incorporating all the normal activities as before. Of course, as time progresses, things will start to become increasingly difficult.
When you’ve arrived at this stage, there are NHS Social services together with voluntary organisations which are there to help with advice and support for your family.
We at Dunley Hall have many Lewy Body Dementia sufferers and so know only too well, the challenges they face. With our staff’s compassion, consideration and kind attention to our resident’s needs, they feel right at home with us.
Whilst their memory may not be what it was, we strive to keep their minds alive with daily activities which they may enjoy to reignite things they once enjoyed such as : regular sing along sessions, exercise sessions, gardening, flower arranging, cards, skittles, arts and crafts, quiz afternoons and movie nights etc etc.
Combined with the ‘home from home’ feeling, our residents are safe in the knowledge their days are not just a case of existing but living…nothing gives our staff a bigger thrill than to see the residents with a beaming smile on their face.